Company Family day
No.2016_07 [ December 01, 2016 ]
August 7th was a very special day for Piolax Mexicana because we celebrated Family Day. This tradition started a few years ago as a way to show appreciation to our workforce, celebrate PM success together and share our company values. This year we planned a recreational event where children and adults enjoyed a fun day. The event took place at the amusement park “Bosque Mágico” (Magical Forest, in Spanish) located 15 km away from our facilities. Over 500 people (120 families) shared this unique experience and enjoyed a wide range of games, rides and activities.
Family day started at 10.00 a.m. At the entrance, each group took the official photo and then, our President C.M gave an opening speech to thank our employees and their families for their hard work and commitment to Piolax Mexicana. The rest of the day the families were free to enjoy the day as they pleased. This was a great opportunity to spend some time with their colleagues and create lasting memories for their families and the company.
▼Other events we have had in the past: