New PIOLAX INDIA Plant is Now Completed
No.2012_02 [ April 19, 2012 ]

Welcome! vanakkam! (Welcome in Tamil) to Sricity Industrial Zone! Sricity Industrial Zone is located just inside Andhra Pradesh. It can be reached by driving approximately 60 km north along national highway 5 from Tamil Nadu in south India. We completed work on the new PIOLAX INDIA plant in March this year. Operations have already begun with a work force of 30 people. Manufacturing is scheduled to begin in April or May. In order to make land available to manufacturing companies wanting to move into southern India, the industrial zone was set aside approximately 3 years ago, in 2009. It is an expansive area equivalent to the size of approximately 430 Tokyo Dome, or 20 million m². Also planned for the future are leisure facilities including living facilities, schools, hospital and health care facilities, and golf links and the like.
There are approximately 20 to 30 companies that have already decided to move operations into Sricity Industrial Zone. The advancement of Japanese such as companies from the Kobe Steel group, Metal One, NHK Spring, Aisan, Unicharm, and Kusakabe Electric and Manufacturing, and the like are quite noticeable. At present, only five or six companies have completed plant construction. Therefore, the area around the industrial zone is still grass land. Even now, farmers can still be seen allowing their cattle to graze there. However, clearly the landscape will be greatly transfigured in the next couple of years. Many companies are coming to look over the area as a candidate spot to build their plants. Periodically, the Indian flag and the rising sun flag of Japan are raised high above the main road to the industrial zone. The Sri portion of Sricity means “beaming or glory.” Much is hoped to come to the economy of India from this industrial zone. We at PIOLAX INDIA will surely startup our business this year and give all our efforts to playing our role in overseas work for PIOLAX.